Non-Invasive ‘Cold’ Technology
Zeltiq is a company that has developed a new, FDA appoved, non-invasive technique for improving the body contour called “Cryolipolysis™”. The device has been FDA-approved in the U.S. for skin cooling and anesthetic uses for some time, and used in Europe and Canada for fat reduction since mid 2009. The technique employs cold to reduce fat cells thereby enhancing the shape of the body. It is based on work originally done by Dr. Rox Anderson’s group at Wellman Labs.How It Works
The cells in our body react to heat or cold at different temperatures levels. The research performed by Zeltiq has helped us better understand what these levels are so we can achieve body contouring through fat reduction. It works by pressing the device against the area to be treated and then becoming cold enough to target only the fat cells in that area. The body reacts with an inflammatory response which causes the body to naturally dispose of the damaged fat cells. By doing so we see a significant improvement in the shape of the body.Results With Zeltiq
Several days after the procedure, the cooled fat cells begin a process called “apoptosis” and begin to shrink. These damaged fat cells are slowly digested over several months by our bodies and removed through the liver. Coolsculpting is highly effective and is producing consistent results for local areas of fat like the love-handles or ‘man-boobs’, though larger areas of fat may require more invasive treatments.Ideal Candidates
The best candidate for Zeltiq is someone who is in relatively good shape, but has modest areas of fat bulges that they’d like removed. It’s not an alternative to healthy diet or lifestyle.Possible Side Effects
Side effects are usually mild and related to the cold of the device which subside within 10 minutes. Skin may be red for several minutes to several hours, if this persists for more than that you should contact your doctor. Other side effects may include temporary bruising, tingling, tenderness, temporary dulling of sensation or cramping.Beware Copycatting
Recently there have been some reports about people creating cold “chambers” and placing people entirely in the chamber for a period of time as a treatment for body contouring. They claim this is akin to Cryolipolysis and charge fees to people for this. In my opinion there is no scientifically credible reason to expect this to do anything to your body other than make you very uncomfortable for a period of time.Freezing fat for natural Body Sculpting in Malaysia

AN exciting new technology for reducing unwanted fat is about to arrive on our shores - it's the new ZELTIQ COOL LIPO machine that freezes fat cells until eventually the cells die! The technique is called CRYOLIPOLISIS and it's totally painless while the treatment is going on. Many of my friend have tried it and 3 weeks ago and already there is a reduction in their lower abdominal fat! It shall be the first clinic in Malaysia to have this machine and everyone's excited about it. The trainers from US will be arriving with it on the 15th to officially train staff of this center.

The treatment available at:
Dr Sutina
En-hanze Aeshteitcs Centre
D206, Phileo Damansara 1, Sec.16 Off Jln Damansara, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
This one is very easy and painless. Thanks for posting this information.